Autistic Masking
Autism, Neurodiversity Emily Autism, Neurodiversity Emily

Autistic Masking

I was diagnosed with autism when I was 16. Like many autistic people (though not all), I grew up masking my autism. Doing my best to suppress parts of me I recognised seemed different to other people, parts I grew to be ashamed of as things happened which taught me I should be. I didn’t know that what I was doing was called masking…

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The Misdiagnosis of Autistic Distress in the Mental Health System

The Misdiagnosis of Autistic Distress in the Mental Health System

When I am asked why I wrote Girl Unmasked, I say that I was angry. Which is true. I was angry at finding myself sectioned on a psychiatric unit at the age of 16, at the doctor there telling me I just had high social anxiety not autism, at the fact they described my autistic meltdowns as ‘hysteric attacks when she doesn’t get her own way’…

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Autism and Mental Health: Practical Advice for Managing Your Mental Health
Autism, Mental Health, Neurodiversity Emily Autism, Mental Health, Neurodiversity Emily

Autism and Mental Health: Practical Advice for Managing Your Mental Health

Last month, I wrote a rather depressing but important blog post on why so many autistic people struggle with their mental health. Read it here. As promised, I’m back with some practical advice on managing mental health as an autistic person.

Firstly, I want to acknowledge that managing mental health is different…

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GIRL UNMASKED: Publication Week, Podcasts and Waterstones Event
Autism, Writing Emily Autism, Writing Emily

GIRL UNMASKED: Publication Week, Podcasts and Waterstones Event

The past couple of weeks have been the most surreal of my life. GIRL UNMASKED is officially out in the world, and I am filled with gratitude.

On Wednesday 27th March, I saw it in Waterstones for the first time (it was on the shelf a day early!). It’s fair to say that it was a very surreal experience, and one of those life moments that I’ll never ever forget.

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‘Anxiety Recovery’ whilst Autistic

‘Anxiety Recovery’ whilst Autistic

I spent my teenage years chasing the idea of ‘anxiety recovery’ that I later discovered didn’t exist. I wanted a life without anxiety, because all I understood was that it was limiting, destructive, painful, and stole too much from me. I also thought that was what I was meant to want. At church, year after year, people prayed for my anxiety to go…

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Challenges Autistic and ADHD Children Face at School and What Can Help
Autism, ADHD, Neurodiversity Emily Autism, ADHD, Neurodiversity Emily

Challenges Autistic and ADHD Children Face at School and What Can Help

There is a reason why 92.1% of children with school attendance difficulties are neurodivergent, with 83.5% being autistic (according to one sample by Connolly & Mullally, 2022). And why children with Special Educational Needs are 50% more likely to struggle with school attendance (Office for National Statistics, 2021). And why…

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Challenges Autistic People and ADHDers Face in Therapy and What Can Help

Challenges Autistic People and ADHDers Face in Therapy and What Can Help

I remember being fourteen, sat in a CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) session and being completely bewildered by what the lady was trying to teach me. I was having daily panic attacks - some of them more likely meltdowns - because I was so overwhelmed. I began describing how I didn’t want to go into the canteen because…

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Emotionally-Based School Avoidance in Neurodivergent Children and The Discriminatory System of Prosecution
Autism, Neurodiversity Emily Autism, Neurodiversity Emily

Emotionally-Based School Avoidance in Neurodivergent Children and The Discriminatory System of Prosecution

I was described as a child on the verge of school refusal. I ran away from school multiple times. I would hide in the toilets and have daily panic attacks. I would refuse to go to lessons, sitting in the library instead. The anxiety I felt every single day was monumental. It led to self-harm, depression and…

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