Grief after Pet Loss: Losing Coco
My Journey Emily My Journey Emily

Grief after Pet Loss: Losing Coco

My dog, Coco, died on the 9th October. He was six and a half and the centre of my family’s home and life. He loved absolutely everyone and he was so incredibly loved.

I don’t usually write blog posts like this, but I don’t know how to process this, and writing has always been my outlet. Telling…

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Autism and Anxiety
Autism, Mental Health, My Journey Emily Autism, Mental Health, My Journey Emily

Autism and Anxiety

You know that feeling where your racing heart-rate won’t slow down, your face feels sweaty and your insides are churning? Where your thoughts are spinning around your head in endless circles? Where you feel dread and complete nausea from everything? I live with that every day.

Anxiety isn’t intrinsic to autism. Not all autistic people even experience anxiety, but…

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25 Things That I Wish I Had Known As An (Undiagnosed) Autistic Child
Autism, Neurodiversity, My Journey Emily Autism, Neurodiversity, My Journey Emily

25 Things That I Wish I Had Known As An (Undiagnosed) Autistic Child

1. That when a teacher instructs you to “write as much as you can”, they don’t mean this literally. You don’t have to turn in 30 double sided pieces of A4. You can write two sides like everyone else.

2. Similarly, when a teacher tells you to “wait outside”, they don’t actually mean outside the building. They mean…

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What OCD Is
Mental Health, My Journey Emily Mental Health, My Journey Emily

What OCD Is

OCD is constantly running late because you had to tap your steering wheel fifty times before you left or you would have a car crash.

OCD is cancelling meeting up with your friend because of your intrusive thoughts that you might hurt them.

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