Less Spoken About Autistic Traits
Some autism traits are spoken about a lot. Others, not so much, even though they still affect our daily lives. So, what are some of these less spoken about autistic traits?
Face blindness. This is where somebody struggles to recognise other people’s faces.
My Journey Of How I Found Out That I Am Autistic
I was diagnosed with autism when I was 16, after years of struggling with my mental health and finding myself sectioned on a CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) unit.
One evening when I was on home leave from the ward, I sat my parents down at the kitchen table and…
Talking To Your Child About Self-Harm - From Both a Parent and Child's Point of View
I know that talking to your child about self-harm can be exceptionally daunting. You and your child are probably both experiencing a lot of difficult emotions, and it can be hard to know how to deal with it. I hope that my Mum and I can offer some words of advice and comfort for you.
Reasonable Adjustments in Schools for Autistic Students and Students with Anxiety
Schools have a duty under the Equality Act to make reasonable adjustments for students who otherwise are at an unfair disadvantage to their peers due to a disability or mental health condition. It is important to note that students do not need an official diagnosis in order for these to be put in place. A needs-based…