Challenges Autistic People and ADHDers Face in Therapy and What Can Help
I remember being fourteen, sat in a CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) session and being completely bewildered by what the lady was trying to teach me. I was having daily panic attacks - some of them more likely meltdowns - because I was so overwhelmed. I began describing how I didn’t want to go into the canteen because…

The War In My Mind: Fighting Anxiety
Anxiety is not just an emotion for me. It's a daily state of being. It's a feeling that lives within me that I can't quite describe. It never goes away. I don't know what life is like without anxiety as a companion. I don't know what it's like to not be at war with my mind.

Autism and Anxiety
You know that feeling where your racing heart-rate won’t slow down, your face feels sweaty and your insides are churning? Where your thoughts are spinning around your head in endless circles? Where you feel dread and complete nausea from everything? I live with that every day.
Anxiety isn’t intrinsic to autism. Not all autistic people even experience anxiety, but…

What I Need From You On A Bad Day
1. Patience. Everything will require a hundred times more energy than usual today. I may not be able to do everything you expect of me. I may not be able to accept your rational answers to what I’m struggling with. Please don’t get annoyed. I’m trying.

Symptoms Of Anxiety That No-one Talk About
1. Constantly needing to go to the toilet. This is especially common if someone is experiencing a period of heightened anxiety, or a panic attack. This is because our fight or flight response is triggered, which can cause a need to urinate. Diarrhoea is also common.

Reasons To Stay Alive
To the person who needs these. Here are some reasons why you should stay alive:
1. There are movies you haven’t seen yet which will make you laugh
2. There are places you will go to which will fill you with awe

What I Would Say To My Undiagnosed Autistic Self
To my undiagnosed autistic self…
I would love to tell you that you are autistic, because knowing that about yourself would take so much of your guilt and shame away. Unfortunately you won’t know that for years, so for now I will tell you these things instead.

What OCD Is
OCD is constantly running late because you had to tap your steering wheel fifty times before you left or you would have a car crash.
OCD is cancelling meeting up with your friend because of your intrusive thoughts that you might hurt them.

Relationship OCD
Relationship OCD is when someone is consumed with doubts about their relationship, including obsessing over whether they are attracted to their partner, whether they love their partner and whether their partner loves them.

The History of Personality Disorders - A Brief Overview
The history of personality disorders can be traced back to 400BC, when Hippocrates described four personality patterns. These were choleric (meaning irritable), melancholic (meaning sad), sanguine (meaning optimistic) and phlegmatic (meaning apathetic). He believed that…

The High Prevalence of Mental Health Problems Among Autistic People
Research shows that 80% of autistic people experience mental health problems during their lives, the most prevalent being anxiety. There is also a high prevalence of eating disorders, OCD, psychosis, depression, among others.
Some theorise that this is because autistic brains are different, making them more susceptible to…