Am I Being Rude or Is My Autism Not Being Understood and Accommodated For?
Autistic people are often told that they are being rude. In my experience, this is often from people who don’t know that I am autistic, or those who do but who think that autism isn’t an ‘excuse’ for ‘rudeness’.
So, what exactly IS this so-called rudeness?

The History of Autism - A Brief Overview
The term ‘Autism’ was coined by Bleuler, a German psychiatrist, in 1908 to describe a symptom of Schizophrenia, where a person had childish desires to avoid reality through social withdrawal and engagement with fantasies, in an inner world that other people couldn’t see.

Feeling Ashamed of ‘The Autistic Side of Me’
I guess I have this deep-rooted fear that allowing people to see the ‘autistic side of me’ will make them run away. I try not to be ‘too much’, to not get ‘too excited’, to not shut-down or melt-down or pretend I’m not overwhelmed.
I remember what it felt like to be eight and be laughed at for…

25 Things That I Wish I Had Known As An (Undiagnosed) Autistic Child
1. That when a teacher instructs you to “write as much as you can”, they don’t mean this literally. You don’t have to turn in 30 double sided pieces of A4. You can write two sides like everyone else.
2. Similarly, when a teacher tells you to “wait outside”, they don’t actually mean outside the building. They mean…

Interoceptive Awareness in Autism and ADHD
Interoception is the ability to identify, understand and respond to the state of the inside of our body. This is something that many autistic people and those with ADHD struggle with.
Interoceptive awareness allows us to feel things like hunger, thirst, whether we are hot or cold, if we need…